Tuesday, 18 February 2014

post and beam connections

Circumstantial changes trigger design changes which give rise to detailing revisions which very often cause delays and variations. It's the same old story, but this time without love or glory. Shame.  It does however have some raw timber and a rough steel component, so there is still some sex.  Read on.

No, wait.  The word problem doesn't exist.  What do we call it now?  An "Opportunity". Bollocks. It's a problem.  Something changes, no-one knows what to do, and we all stand around looking at the architect.  It gives rise to an opportunity, sure.  An opportunity to vary from the carefully planned to the ad hoc.  An opportunity for the builder to ask for a variation. An opportunity to revise the design in line with where everything else is morphing.

When the slab went down and the roof structure went up, we suddenly saw just how great and open our Kitchen/Dining area was going to be.  So we deleted a proposed wall which was intended to hide a column, and suddenly the column has transformed from rough crappy thing with an agricultural fixing to something with grace and precision.

At least we are still allowed to use this word.   Refer attached detail.  Manufacture 4 off. Easy.

Golly I wish it were this easy. It actually runs like this:
1. Measure and make a sketch.
2. Consult with Jess for buildability.
3. Consult with structural engineer for structural capacity.
4. Consult with fabricator for price.
5. Consult with builder again for timing.
6. Revise sketch.
7. Confirm with engineer.
8. revise sketch again.
9. Beg builder for more time.
10. Order steel.
11. Cancel galvanising, promise to collect and save on delivery charges.
12. Spend more on priming paint than I saved on galvanising.
13. Stand back and revel in the unashamed faux-industrialness of it all.

See why I use the word problem?  Anyway, when they arrive on site I'll post a photo.


  1. 14. Write about it in a blog.
    15. Read inane comments about the posting.
    16. Block troll known as Uncle Mat.

  2. 16. Cut head off troll.
    17. Mount head on large stick on website to deter others.
    18. Have children explain what the word troll means in a blog context.
    19. Feel old and silly.
